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Welcome to a new Weekly Interviews edition where we'll interview brilliant women in our industry and share their stories with the world! Anyone is welcome to share their story by simply filling this form, we encourage women from all walks of life in our industry to do so.
Introducing Rebecca Todd, Head of SEO at Ryman. Rebecca has been working in SEO since 2014. After recovering the visibility and improving the performance of health brand that was hit drastically by the Medic update in 2018, she went on to manage SEO for 6 other international health brands. She now works at Ryman, redesigning and growing their search strategy. We asked her everything from how she first got into SEO to what empowers her to be the brilliant woman she is 💪🏽
Content writing was the beginning of my journey into SEO. I've always loved to write so when I secured a job as a content writer for an online e-commerce website, I was over the moon. But the job quickly merged into other areas of digital marketing; one of which was SEO.
Writing is still the thing I absolutely love to do, so creating and optimising content is my favourite thing to do. But these days, I do less and less of it. To keep the passion alive though, I try to do at least one piece of content optimisation a week.
There are lots of tools out there but my go-to tool is still Google Analytics. That's because, at the end of the day, in the e-commerce world, you answer to revenue and sales. Of course I care about ranking and visibility, but ultimately GA has a lot of relevant data, from sessions to bounce rate and more.
Seeing my content rank in the top #3 for the first time. It's probably something none of us forget. For me, it was a few months into my first SEO role when I'd given up hope for ranking on the first page that I finally saw my blog shoot to #3. After some more time and edits it made it to #1 where it stayed for months until Google decided to role out an algorithm update.
If I'm being totally honest, proudest achievement isn't even SEO specific. It's simply putting myself out there, networking, speaking at events. It's pushing myself out of my comfort zone and driving my career. Sure, I've had successes in rankings and revenue driving, but the proudest achievement for me is personal growth.
Be strong and have confidence. Some people you meet and work with will support your ideas and listen to what you say. But all too often you'll find your words falling on deaf ears. But that isn't a reflection of your ability or your worth.
There are so many powerful women I've worked with, connected with, and seen deliver incredible speeches. But the most influential woman in my industry was the woman who hired me at Ryman: Lesley Gregory. Her work ethic, knowledge, and compassion is something I will never forget. She instilled such confidence and empowered me during the time we worked together.
Without a doubt, the most empowering thing in my life is my mother. She has achieved some absolutely amazing things - from raising her children while being recognised by the government for her contributions to British education, to surviving and thriving after the life-threatening Encephalitis, which has turned her world upside down. She's always positive and strong, and she sees everything, whether positive or negative, into an opportunity for growth.
Thanks Rebecca for a truly insightful interview! You can connect with Rebecca on Twitter and LinkedIn.
To view more interviews with brilliant women, check out our Interviews page. If you've enjoyed reading this interview, then we'd love for YOU to share your story with the world! Simply fill this form here, we welcome brilliant SEOs from all walks of life! 🙌🏽